Hi there!

I'm Martijn van der Veen (CV). Welcome to my homepage. This website features finished and ongoing projects I've been working on. It's like a weblog, but semantically structured around projects and relations, not just blog posts.

I'm currently working as software development engineer at Amazon. Before that, I co-founded Zazzy, bringing customisable products to the masses. I built a platform to customise or design professional products over a cup of coffee, produced in metals by 3D-printers.
I've also been involved with The Things Network.

At some point in the past I got a master's degree in Computer Graphics, Vision and Imaging at University College London and a bachelor's degree in Artificial Intelligence at the University of Amsterdam, with some electives in Electrical Engineering at Delft University of Technology.

Get in touch

emailmartijn.vderveen [at] gmail